FAQs about Tutus
How it works
All of our tutus are completely customizable. If you like a design but want some changes you can add notes to your order before you check out. You can also email us at GoldenCactusTutus@gmail.com to discuss customizing your order.
All of our tutus are handmade and made to order meaning the turn around time (TAT) can be up to 4 weeks. The Tutu TAT is listed on the header for your reference. It can change according to demand.
There is an option to rush your tutu order for $15. This puts you at the front of the line and upgrades your shipping to 2-3 day express mail. This can be found in the "Tutu Add Ons" section.
Our tutus use a very stretchy crochet waistband. This is why you will find our sizing varies from 6-24 months, 2-4T, 4-6T, etc.
Lengths (below are the lengths of our tutus unless otherwise specified in the descriptions)
6-24 months is roughly 6 inches long
2-4T is roughly 8 inches long
4-6T is roughly 10 inches long
7+ is roughly 12 inches long